We resume of the Asistencial activity At HLA Centers
The return to activity in the hospitals of the HLA group to care for non-Covid-19 patients is being carried out gradually and giving priority to the most urgent and non-delayable tests and interventions.
In addition, we have drawn up a prevention protocol in line with the recommendations of the health authorities, with a view to recovering patient care for non-urgent pathologies, such as those treated in outpatient clinics.
In addition, we have drawn up a prevention protocol in line with the recommendations of the health authorities, with a view to recovering patient care for non-urgent pathologies, such as those treated in outpatient clinics.
These measures are focused on the prevention of COVID-19 infections among patients and healthcare workers in our hospitals and centers, as well as on the timely detection of cases to take immediate control actions.
With this objective, we carry out tests on all our health professionals to guarantee maximum safety in the performance of their activity, always in accordance with the indications of the health authority.
Before the consultation/appointment
Prior communication with the patient, who should refrain from going to the consultation if they have fever or respiratory symptoms.
Limitation on the number of appointments to guarantee a separation of two meters in waiting rooms.
Increase the appointment interval between patients, preventing them from coinciding at the entrance and exit of the consultations and allowing time to disinfect.
Increase the appointment interval between patients, preventing them from coinciding at the entrance and exit of the consultations and allowing time to disinfect.
Specific time slots to care for vulnerable patients.
Consultation attention
Temperature detection at the entrances to the center.
Separation at admission points.
Availability of surgical masks and gel for patients at the reception and in the consultations.
Circuits for COVID patients and non-COVID patients with signs easily visible by patients, family members and workers.
One person per elevator in small elevators.
All health personnel are equipped with PPE appropriate to their activity.
Questionnaires, temperature control and diagnostic tests for professionals, in accordance with the indications of the health authority.
Change of clothes upon arrival at the workplace.
Care in surgical area
Follow-up surgical protocol COVID19.
Special circuits in the operating room for COVID19 patients.
Limiting access to the surgical area to essential personnel.
Minimize equipment and documentation within the surgical area.
Reinforcement of cleaning tasks throughout the surgical area.
Common areas / Cleaning
Reinforcement of cleaning between patient and patient in areas and elements with greater influx (waiting rooms, chairs, tension sleeves, tables, etc.).
Thorough disinfection of the consultation at the end of the day.
Deep and continuous cleaning of bathrooms.
In patient changing rooms, the surfaces that are in contact with the patient will be covered with disposable material or they will be disinfected between patient and patient.
Informative posters to communicate priority actions around 4 important points: